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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Good Bye EDM 310

Good Bye EDM 310. hope your semester was filled with as much knowledge and excitement as mine was . and farewell to you, both Dr. Strange and Mr. Sullivan. thanks for all the good teachings, may you all have a great summer break! Good Bye!

Final Blog Assignment

To start off, I must say that I sure have come a long way from the first day of class. When I signed up for this course, the most I had ever done with a computer was email and download music, and surf the web. don't get me wrong, I got lost several times, but after bugging my teachers to death with questions on top of more questions, I would eventually get the hang of things. Some of the things I learned from this class that I feel I will take with me into my future teaching career is Timetoast. being a History major, I feel this is one tool that I might get the most use out of. not just to benefit my students, but to have that extra something that helps me stay organized and sharp with my historical timelines. second, I really enjoyed the comments for kids. Its really nice to be able and have the opportunity to hear what these kids are thinking and to be able and keep up with them through technology. I thought podcasting was a good idea, I just don't see that being a tool I use in my teaching career. but you never know, and if it is something I will have to do, at least ill know how to do that and I can credit this EDM 310 class for that. I think the hardest thing for me was knowing that everything I blogged was being read by people all over the world, be it teachers and students, so that really forced me to think about what I was writing about knowing there was a grand ole audience out there. i thought the Google Earth Project was kind of cool. it was the one project that took most of my time, I dont know if that was because I was having difficulty following instruction, or if i was just really having too much fun on there. regardless, being a History major I also feel this will be another tool I can benefit from in the teaching field.
I also really enjoyed the Interview projects. I thought it was nice to cover topics on technology through actual interaction with teachers and students. it was a very informative project that I feel covered several topics of technology. I also feel I will benefit from in the classroom. as many things I enjoyed from the class, there were a few I did not. really it was not the work itself but the amount of work per week. I don't feel I benefited from the comments for classmates. my responses to my blog posts were almost robotic. I did not care too much for the group projects either, and not because of the actual assignments but more so the scheduling and meeting with people. I had a hard time meeting with with my project partners.

2. overall, I feel there was nothing left to be taught in this class and everything that was taught to me was for the most part not to hard to learn. 4. I thought this class was exciting when it came to the actual projects and comments for kids. this was exciting to me mainly because of the interactions that came with these assignments. 5. I did find this class intellectually challenging at times. for me, just having to really think before you type to such a grand audience, it forces you to be more accountable with what you say and professional about it at the same time. 6. I really was never bored with this class mainly because there was so much to do. the classes i get bored real easily in are those lecture classes that only require you to come in and sit down and take a few test periodically. 7. if i could change anything, I think it would be the work load, primarily the comments for assignments. 8. i am now the most technologically savvy I can say I have ever been. Its amazing how much more confident I am behind a key board than i was just a few months ago. If i had to rate my level of technological literacy, it would have to be good. 9. I feel so much more confident in front of a computer, but I know I have so much more to learn. after watching some of the videos for different blog assignments, I know that there are alot of Kids that are so technologically in tune, and if I want to be a real effective teacher, I must be able to keep with the future or else I will be left behind in the past.

Google presentation project/ teaching the US Civil War through Timetoast

having a hard time uploading this to youtube, give me a few minutes and it should be up there

April 25th, 2010 Blog Assignment

1st video
hello, my name is Alex. I am a student at the University of South Alabama and i am not even afraid to admit that my PLE is 1/10th of what yours is. I am so impressed with how organized you are at such a young age. I know I was not any where close to this in the 7th grade. great job, keep up the good work, these tools will take you as far as you want to go in life.

to compare her PLE to mine is a joke. I think the only tools I have is facebook, twitter, skype, and gmail. this girl had everything. this student had all of this plus alot more. she had stuff like FML to The Yellow Pages. that's awesome. but I guess as long as my PLE is building then I'm good.

what is your sentence>?

really cool video. but I have no clue what my sentence is. shoot, I don't even know the first letter.
I think these are important questions we should ask our selves. I think we should always ask our selves these questions. these questions can only give us a better understanding of what we are doing and where we are going.

April 18th, 2010 Blog Assignment

the topic i am choosing to cover is on the debate whether we are given too much work for EDM 310. I wouldn't be so quick to say its too much work, but i will say you know whats in front of you, you know whats expected. So i will agree that it is very easy to get behind, procrastinating in this class is not like procrastinating in most. Most classes require a few quizzes and 3 or 4 test. So if you procrastinate, you can always cram the night before a big test. I don't think you can do that in this class. I know because my getting so behind has cost me three straight nights that I could have been studying for other classes. after catching up, I realize that its all about taking the time to do your work. and once you get started, it really doesn't take that much time to complete.

watch this video and tell me what you think, thanks!

april 11th, 2010 assignment continued

I think its very important for students to post there work through blogging, and it showed in the first video. technology is a very effective way to keeping kids interested, and when their work is done real well, they have a bigger audience to tell them that. with that said, you also have a much bigger critical audience. but even then i think that's important. students need all the criticism they can get. and blogging is a very effective tool for these kids to use in their learning, both inside the class and out. i really feel that blogging makes students more accountable, and i think they know that. and that to me is very important. here are a few examples of that

second example

google Earth Project

Podcast Project

Click Here for my podcast project.

substantive presentation project

video project

part 2

interview project


april 11th, 2010 assignment

DR. Seuss- The Zax Video
alex said... I thought this video was perfect in projecting an image of how so many teachers today think and operate in the class. I'm really glad that future teachers(students)are being showed videos such as this one, because this world is evolving, and evolving rapidly. and I feel the only way to be positivity effective in the classroom and in the world is to evolve with it.