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Steve Sullivan mikhail a salcedo-baranov

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

march 28th blog assignment/ Morgan Bayda

I feel the same about the classroom and how it is not the most encouraging force we have in higher education. there are so many classes that are like this. where we are forced to sit and listen with extreme obedience for a professor who doesn't even know our name. social interaction on many subjects taught in the class should be pushed.

I have mentioned my frustrations with this system we are forced to learn in today many times to my friends and adult figures, most of whom i would consider parents or those who I go to for advice, and the reply to my frustrations are always the same- college is a right of passage- that basically its not what you learned, but that you put up with enough crap that earns you proof of a piece of paper with your name on it that tells the world, i did it. the questions asked should be revised from -did you do it? to -how you did it?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that there needs to be social interaction between the professor and student
